Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ok, seriously, who cares?

Alright, alright. I don't technically reside at the end of the magical letter trail, but I have always been told my antics previous to my marriage to the grand ole beginning of the alphabet are worth sharing with the rest of humanity. So I have decided that rather than go through that pesky publishing mumbo jumbo I would go right ahead and start it all out on here for you to steal and take as your own, or hopefully not.

Alot of people call themselves "normal" or average", saying they do not lead eventful lives. I was one of those people until I started spouting my experiences and I got horrified looks from all those who were within earshot. The glances and stares told a completely different story about my life... I am apparently, to my utter dismay, a very interesting person... Or at least the things that happen to me are re-tellable.

So I am funny, and weird. I get it people! So take a seat, and enjoy the wild ride that is my life. This is where the new stories begin, my trips through the boring and mundane made fantastical. Though I am now experiencing life at the begining of the alphabet (if we can ever figure out where out marriage licence ran off to) I will recount some happenings of when life was simpler... well.... not so much...

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